They returned during Lunar Brawl 2023 when the Pins were available to be purchased separately for 9 Gems each. The Neutral, Happy, Angry, Thanks, and Special Lunar Brawl Pins were available as a bundle when the first gift was available.
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The World Finals 2020 Player Pins could also be collected through several methods.
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They returned during Brawl-o-ween 20 when the skin became available to purchase.

Facepalm Pins for a specific Brawler can be obtained by reaching Gold I Mastery for that Brawler.Epic Pins can be purchased from the Catalog for 39 Gems or 1500 Bling.Rare Pins can be purchased from the Catalog for 19 Gems or 750 Bling.Common Pins can be purchased from the Catalog for 9 Gems or 375 Bling.The Omega Box Darryl Pin was obtainable as a free gift on 08/12/22.The Brawlidays 2018 skin Pins could be collected by buying Santa Mike, Red Nose Nita, and Lil Helper Penny.The Mega Box Darryl Pin was obtainable as a free gift on 17/06/21.Pins for Gem Skins include both color variations for El Dragón and Prince Sprout.Pins for Brawl Pass Skins are only available as tier rewards in Brawl Pass seasons.Some Exclusive Pins are based on skins of specific Brawlers.Neutral Pins specific to a Brawler are unlocked automatically once that Brawler is unlocked.Pins are a way of expressing emotions during in-game matches. Unlike Player Pins, Brawler Pins are Brawler exclusive and are only available for collecting once the Brawler they’re based on is unlocked. The 5 most recently used Pins can be used in a shortcut next to the "." button in the chat. You can only use 3 Brawler Pins and 2 Player Pins in battles. They come in various rarities, and can be used in the team/friendly game chat or in battles as emotes. Pins are in-game cosmetics that appear in deals in the shop, or can be purchased from the Catalog.